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DOM iX 6 SR (047) DOM iX 6 SR - Picked (with optical fiber)

Категория: Испытание замков (взлом, тестирование)
Метод тестирования: Взлом отмычками
Цилиндровый механизм. Производитель: DOM. Артикул: iX 6 SR
Описание: iX 6 SR (047) DOM iX 6 SR - Picked (with optical fiber)
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@JedenkluczPlMasterKey @JedenkluczPlMasterKey 17.08.2017
Proponujemy wyzwanie! Kazdemu, który w naszej firmie otworzy ta wkladke czyli DOM ix6 SR w sposób przedstawiony na filmie wyplacimy 1000 EUR w gotówce. Czas na otwarcie: 30 min, czyli 10x wiecej niz na tym &quot;fake filmiku&quot; . Warunkiem udzialu bedzie podpisanie zgody na publikacje wizerunku i tego wyczynu na naszym kanale YouTube. <br><br>Zgloszenia przyjmujemy pod adresem: kontakt@<a href="http://jeden-klucz.pl/">jeden-klucz.pl</a> <br><br>PS.: Nie jestesmy powiazani z firma DOM, sprzedajemy wylacznie sprawdzone przez nas jej produkty, takze jezeli okaze sie, ze ta wkladke mozna otworzyc widelcem, tez to opublikujemy i wyrzucimy te wkladki z naszej oferty.
         @no-trick-pony @no-trick-pony 17.08.2017->Hey there! :) This neither a "fake film" nor a scam. I and a colleague of mine opened that lock in front of the whole lock picking club.
So, I would really want take part in your challenge and get my 1000 euro :). I can gut the lock on video too of course. :)
         @TAD3011 @TAD3011 03.10.2017->I co ? Jak na razie chetnych nie ma ?
         @JedenkluczPlMasterKey @JedenkluczPlMasterKey 03.10.2017->Nie ma i nie bedzie. Taki magik bylby wart kazdych pieniedzy. Te wkladki zabezpieczaja m.in. setki bankow i instytucji rzadowych ...
         @no-trick-pony @no-trick-pony 04.10.2017->No, so far I did not receive any answer. Not here and not via email. From what I get by using Google Translate: Apparently, they just claim this video to be fake, because they are selling the DOM ix6 SR on their homepage. They claim, that the lock is used by banks and thus simply must be secure.
The truth is, that is not even the most secure lock in the DOM lineup. The DOM iX Saturn is more secure than this one. But they don't sell it on their homepage.
         @TAD3011 @TAD3011 06.10.2017->Wlasnie caly czas sie zastanawiam jakie wkladki kupic ? Bo jak na razie wszystkie zamki sa do otwarcia o roznym czasie co prawda,zas zlodziej najczesciej drzwi wylamuje. A jak nie drzwiami to wchodzi oknem. W kazdym badz razie warto kupic wkladke skomplikowana, bo zwykla mozna otworzyc w ciagu kilku sekund , jednak drzwi trzeba czyms zamknac.
@stefra8685 @stefra8685 03.08.2020
Once opened please dismount it and show us if there are all the pins, the side ball, and the upper pins and the 2 bars. Otherwise all this kind of videos are just fake
         @no-trick-pony @no-trick-pony 03.08.2020->No, sorry.
First of all, I am probably not going to make new videos any time soon.
Second, I am not here to "proof" myself but to help people who want to attempt to pick those locks or explain mechanisms. And also to remember myself how I did and which picks I used. Which is why I started the whole channel in the first place (my early videos were all without voice). In this case here, since there were really good videos explaining the inner workings of this lock I just linked them, because I already gutted one of those before and it was a HUGE pain in the ass to put it back together.
And third: I already did gut a lot of locks I thought were either simple to gut or challenging enough where people at the time thought it is an insanely hard pick. However, this is not a super hard lock to pick. I did a gutting video of the Evva 3KS I picked. But guess what. People then accused me in the comments of slight of hand and editing tricks in the gutting process. Down here in the comments is a polish locksmith company who sold those DOMs on their website. They called me a fraud and this video fake and issued a challenge where anyone who could open their lock within 30 minutes would get 1000 bucks from them. I wrote them at the email address they listed in their comment since it's not a hard lock. And "surprisingly" got no response. Wrote them again. No response. Only backpaddeling after a different viewer asked about it. They claimed they would put the ix6 SR out of their product offering too if it turns out that the lock can be picked easily. Fast forwarding 4 years there are now a ton of openings of this lock even from very big channels like BosnianBill. And guess what. The lock is still in their sortiment. I usually don't delete comments like those. Since people thinking to make their own channel should see what they will have to face. And because like in the case of the polish locksmith it is sometimes just hilarious.
@RWBHere @RWBHere 06.03.2020
Nice picking. Thank-you.<br>The link to the introspection video is dead. ?
@MaximumEfficiency @MaximumEfficiency 21.06.2017
how does the burglar know it is DOM iX Saturn??
@Kolagi @Kolagi 11.02.2017
Co za sciema, ciekawe kto takie brednie lyka :) Czemu po jej pokonaniu nie przekrecil pelnego obrotu? Proste, bo ma tylko jeden kolek pozostawiony (reszte usunal) który by mu zacial wkladke juz przy obrocie o 90 stopni.
@Potti314 @Potti314 24.02.2016
Great to see you back - fantastic picking. Interesting lock - thank you.
@lukeb6394 @lukeb6394 21.02.2016
nicely picked!
@PapaGleb @PapaGleb 21.02.2016
Very interesting lock and I like the optics but why not gut shots?
@lockpickinglawyer @lockpickinglawyer 21.02.2016
Nice picking.
@deronchopathe3791 @deronchopathe3791 21.02.2016
Great picking as always: Bravo! ;)
@VetalR @VetalR 21.02.2016
@MultiVde @MultiVde 21.02.2016
Totally awesome, I am glad it gave in for you :D<br>You can show me today at the metalab!

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