Категория: Испытание замков (взлом, тестирование)
Метод тестирования: Высверливание
Замок. Производитель: Yale. Артикул: 8000
Описание: 8000Pick lock of Yale 8000 - 3
5 740 просмотров
Время взлома: 1 мин
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------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ @jackojeff 17.08.2010 omg i could create a bump key and open the lock within that time and it should be how not to pick a lock as its not picking its destroying
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ @Javen1337 04.02.2007 Drilling isn't lock picking -.-
Not only did he completely destroy the lock, but it took him way too long to do and required alot more tools then it would to simply pick it.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ @JayEm7516 21.01.2007 Erm, drilling isn't picking.