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ABLOY SL900 Pick lock of Abloy SL900. The Buyer is cheated -2

Категория: Испытание замков (взлом, тестирование)
Метод тестирования: Свертыш
Замок. Производитель: ABLOY. Артикул: SL900
Описание: SL900 Pick lock of Abloy SL900. The Buyer is cheated -2
24 561 просмотров
Время взлома: 1 мин

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@escherhendersonhenderson6081 @escherhendersonhenderson6081 12.03.2013
I think he was making the point that the company says this is some super tough lock but he broke it with a wrench and a drill in about a minute.
@kentgent1 @kentgent1 27.07.2010
You might as well just get some PE and blow the fucking thing ;o)
@douro20 @douro20 13.11.2008
Actually it sounds more like Zladko "Zlad" Vladick.
@Kemusika @Kemusika 24.09.2008
How about c4 , noob -.-
@jpenna1976 @jpenna1976 27.05.2008
Purpose of this video is totally misleading. No-one is claming that it cant be broken. Abloy makes still very secure locking products and in most countries locking issues are in much worse state. Buyer gets good quality when buying Abloy. Any lock can be picklocked or broken! It is just matter how much time, noise and effort it takes! If not satisfied with lock and alarm, buy a damn dobberman!
@mkultra2300 @mkultra2300 24.10.2007
A more appropriate title would be "how to destroy a lock on a door you have open already"
@oldskoolsoldier055 @oldskoolsoldier055 12.06.2007
this is like..Lock...Breaking
@He1vis @He1vis 19.03.2007
i think it is pizzaman by cisco kid
@hbk101274 @hbk101274 23.01.2007
great song

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