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KABA pluS Lockpicking 19 pins Kaba pluS (This lock has 19 active pins with 4 rows, special thanks to...

Категория: Испытание замков (взлом, тестирование)
Метод тестирования: Взлом отмычками
Цилиндровый механизм. Производитель: KABA. Артикул: pluS
Описание: pluS Lockpicking 19 pins Kaba pluS (This lock has 19 active pins with 4 rows, special thanks to J.J.80
6 195 просмотров
Время взлома: 20 мин

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Вася Васильев Вася Васильев 28.09.2018
Respect ! 5 points
UKlockpicka UKlockpicka 29.06.2018
Can't wait to watch this when i get in from work buddy. I'm on with a kaba now. I did a euro last week and have a kaba padlock I'm yet to open.
         lockpickingMx lockpickingMx 29.06.2018->I really love to pick kaba's, they are hard to pick you just need a lot of patience, thanks for watching man. Greetings.
Pelepel Leon Pelepel Leon 10.09.2016
LockpickingMx can u make more videos like this? This video was really awesome
J Hoffy J Hoffy 11.04.2016
Excellent! How long did re assembly take?
         lockpickingMx lockpickingMx 11.04.2016->+J.L Hoffy Thanks for watching sir. Greetings
         J Hoffy J Hoffy 11.04.2016->@lockpickingMx Thanks for the reply. Incredible picking and the gutting is much appreciated!
         lockpickingMx lockpickingMx 11.04.2016->+J.L Hoffy Hi, with enough patience and many attempts about 10 min.
Tallan Pick Tallan Pick 04.04.2016
Impresionante trabajo amigo pit, un placer verte ganzuar, como siempre, y un otro modelo inexpugnable a la mayoría que vuelve a caer en tus manos. Enhorabuena, y muchas gracias por compartirlo.<br />No sé si te va a resultar más difícil montarlo que abrirlo ;-)))<br />Un abrazo amigo mío.
de Ronchopathe de Ronchopathe 02.04.2016
Una abertura con clase: ¡Felicitaciones!
         lockpickingMx lockpickingMx 02.04.2016->+de Ronchopathe Merci beaucoup mon ami, salutation.
adrian leon adrian leon 02.04.2016
excelente trabajo compañero. esto no se ve todos los dias. SALUDOS
         lockpickingMx lockpickingMx 02.04.2016->+adrian leon Gracias amigo, con paciencia y tacto estos tambien se abren. Saludos.
LockPickingLawyer LockPickingLawyer 01.04.2016
Great picking!
         lockpickingMx lockpickingMx 02.04.2016->+LockPickingLawyer Thanks sir...experT is the next one. Greetings.

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